Fine art GIF made from original underwater photographs shot using a Canon R5 and Ikelite underwater housing and edited in photoshop. Contact me for licensing and purchasing options.
MetaMorph 2
Fine art GIF made from original underwater photographs shot using a Canon R5 and Ikelite underwater housing and edited in photoshop. Contact me for licensing and purchasing options.
MetaMorph 3
Fine art GIF made from original underwater photographs shot using a Canon R5 and Ikelite underwater housing and edited in photoshop. Contact me for licensing and purchasing options.
Under the Surface
"Under the Surface" captures the brisk movements of a female swimmer underwater as she moves to the surface for air and then returns momentarily to a submerged state. This work looks at the breath-like, repetitive nature of life and alludes to emotions surfacing from the unconscious. Limited Edition Fine Art GIF made from original underwater photographs shot using a Canon R5 and Ikelite underwater housing. Contact me for licensing and purchasing options.